Saturday, February 4, 2012

Do Not Presume to Know Me

Do not presume to know me
I am not yours to know

Do not walk beside me
I am for you to follow

Do not speak my name
It is not yours to say

Do not dare engage me
Only walk the other way

Do not prescribe or judge me
I am not for you to judge

Do not try to hold me
I am not yours to clutch

Do not say you've seen me
I have nothing to show

Do not presume to know me
I am not yours to know

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Walk in the Sand

What magnificent landscapes your back would make
To hang upon my wall
Over rolling hills and in the valley of your spine
My fingers walk tall

Thine ears would make the perfect shell
For some sea-faring beast
I pour in silvery sands, grains of deepest love
And upon pearls, I feast

Wither wouldst thy feet take me
Over bridges, with wings?
Or tunnel through your heaving chest
To feel where your heart sings?

Perhaps, my love, it is my feet, my back, my heart
That will carry you
For in troubled times the pairs of footprints
Rarely number two.

I want to Be

I want to be the water that washes your face
And removes all trace of dark yesterdays
I want to be the shirt that touches your back
And covers your heart from cold always
I want to be the shoes upon your feet
That carry you across the endless miles
I want to be the food that fills your belly
And bring you strength to weep and to smile
I want to be the wind that blows through your hair
And cools your fiery frown
I want to be the ground beneath your feet
And support your weight from falling down
I want to be the memory
That brings you back to me.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

You knew me

You knew me
You ran your fingers through my veins
You caressed my bones
And fingered the sinew
You tasted my hair
And knew my teeth by heart
You bit my nails
You licked my eyes

You knew me

Now I have new blood
My bones are cracked in new places
I washed and cut my hair
And wore braces to adjust my teeth
I let my nails grow long
And cried my eyes right out.

With my new ones I can see myself
And I see that I am beautiful
I no longer need you to tell me.


Black flowers bloom on a cliff top
Blue waves, blue, crash on the rock
A single ship, a single sailor
Solitary, alone, afraid
Wanting to become an island
Give up hope of other sands
To be with the flowers, their velvet pitch
Captivated by their dark beauty
Hypnotised, sinking deep into the purple sky
Deeper and deeper
Until breath comes no more
Feeling the chain biting
It's time to run
Black flowers poison the mind
Break the spell
Run to the ship, sail away
Swim if you have to
No woman is an island.

Spite myself

You're class A
Not in a good way.

It eases my pain to know you'll never win the battle with your demons,
many as they are.

I love the bones I am ready to break in two.

Still, to blow down your house and send you running, little pig,
would give me strange pleasure.

Sickness within my within
Growing inside like a lover's seed
Yet stale was it that loved.

The infection spreads like ink through water
Pure nevermore.

I must drive you out, damned spot,
Wash my hands of you,
Comb you out of my hair,
Flush you out of my system.

For, dearest Revenge is a dish
best served as cold as your blackened heart.

Why wait?

When I am old
I will have a black cat.
I will live in a cottage
in the heart of a forest,
And I will wear a pointed hat.

When I am old
I will fly on a broom.
I will pick wild herbs
to put in my pot,
And burn sage in every room.

When I am old
I will have whiskers and warts.
I will dance naked
in the light of a full moon,
And sing out all my thoughts.

When I am old
I will dress like a man.
I will mend my roof with magic,
dig the soil with my bare hands,
And spit and curse and damn.

When I am old
I will live my life
Exactly as I want to,
answering to no one but myself,
And the world will be my wife.